Tool of the Matriarchy

My thought exactly. You can’t be sentenced to death for conspiring to pervert the course of justice, but 39 years jail seems appropriate.

What the HELL kind of lawyer lets his client do a goddamn TV interview?? If you’re desperate to get “his side” out there, you call a press conference and read a carefully-prepared statement. Then say “We have no further comment at this time” and walk away.

I was more thinking of Jesus in a bouncer role...

No one This bitch is exactly who should be serving jail or prison time in the midst of a pandemic that has ravaged through correctional facilities...

Bali Contiki tours called...they want their $2 sarongs back.

Dear god, who made the dress the black lady is wearing??? They have no idea how to size pieces up. You can’t just increase waist and bust circumference and call it good! You also have to consider the rise measurements and structural concerns, you goddamn heathens!

Apparently, “we” will never forget those “incredible souls” who have been “lost”, and “we” will “be there” for their families.

Jared Kushner, a limp, damp string bean of a man...

So she’s cooking with her long hair down...and not even flipped over her shoulders to keep it out of the food. Ack.

Is there a process (like impeachment) to remove lesser judges? A lot of McConnell’s appointments don’t meet the most basic of competency standards, and I’d lay money a lot more are making judgements based on ideology rather than law. Investigate every last one, and chuck out any with cause.

Once again, I ask...where is the line between unusual beliefs and pathological delusions that should see people involuntarily hospitalised and given anti-psychotics for their own good?

She was thinking future bosses would fulfil their legal obligations to protect her from sexual harassment in her workplace. Crazy, I know.

2nd amendment free speech blah blah blah rhetoric, American propaganda etc.

...at the moment, it’s a place facing non-stop rain, an overrun sewage system, and increasingly grouchy patrons.

Zombies want brains.

“In the circumstances we currently find ourselves in, I find it troubling that anyone is asking the nation’s already overworked officers to take time out of their work for training, based on a few allegations of improper conduct,”

Agreed.  Talking about sex openly and honestly in appropriate situations is great and should be encouraged.  Lugging it in at every opportunity and hurling it at people’s heads is performative and distasteful.

I got a nerve hit for sure.

Seconded. Body shaming is not ok. Reducing people to their body components is gross. Reducing them to the body component which is sexually useful to you is particularly gross. We wouldn’t take that attitude from a man, we shouldn’t take it from a woman.

Tiffany Haddish negs people with a penis. Pass it on.