BYE, BITCH! May he die in jail.
BYE, BITCH! May he die in jail.
45 only loves cisgendered white men.
I’m 51 and just starting to see some grey on the cap.
Oh god, you evoked the memory of the time I asked a woman if this gorgeous little baby was her granddaughter and it was her daughter...I have never been so mortified in my life. Fortunately she thought it was funny.
So glad you’re feeling better! And oh, fuck your hairstylist. I suspect their motives in recommending a colour that required a high-cost maintenance programme were not pure.
To my joy I no longer have to worry, but for some reason the thought of reusable menstrual products squicks me right out. I had no problems at all washing square cloth nappies for both my kids, but the bare idea of washing period panties or a menstrual cup...(shudder).
If the trailer’s any indication, any dialogue will be unintelligible. The music and sound effects are completely drowning out the voices, and Robbie’s accent is so thick I’m not actually sure what language she’s speaking.
...the vast majority of those couples in films or on television involve a person of color in a relationship with a white person...
Aaargh. Lexapro was my first antidepressant, and didn’t work very well for me at all. A psychiatrist recommended I take a genetic test that shows how fast your body processes various drugs.
Some, like VS are very centered on the male gaze...Like who is this for?
I’m glad your faith adds to your life, and I appreciate you want to share that feeling. But you need to pick your time and place for prostetlysing.
If Trump goes down bc of a semen stain on a woman’s clothing, I will cackle.
“They characterized my argument as if I had said that if a president believes that his re-election was in the national interest, he can do anything. I said nothing like that, as anyone who actually heard what I said can attest.”
There’s a difference between “My critics have created a Strawman of my argument” and “My…
I live in Australia, where we have a two-tier health system. Everyone (barring some, but by no means all, foreign nationals) are covered for basic medical care by our Medicare system. People can also take out private cover for those things that aren’t covered, or that they might need to go on a waiting list for.
The response of men like Kaiman is always telling to me. If a woman said to me that she felt like I took advantage of her or that I treated her badly my response wouldn’t be “well, here’s why you share the blame for my behavior!” It would be, “I’m sorry I made you feel that way. What would you like me to do to make…
I came down with the flu a few years ago (the *one* year I forgot to get my flu shot), and I was scheduled to fly cross-country for Christmas two days later. You know what I did? Canceled my flight like a responsible adult so I didn’t spread disease and kill someone.
As another immunocompromised person...I hope said hair gets colonised with MRSA because some selfish SOB broke quarantine rather than sacrifice their own convenience. Let’s see how the sociopathic bitch likes being on the receiving end of that shit.
Dear god. I’m remembering the biography of a Hollywood star who had a child born with shockingly severe Congenital Rubella Syndrome. Years later, she encountered a fan at a meet-and-greet who gigglingly told her it was their second meeting. The first time she (the fan) had been sick with rubella but had plastered on…
May her (expensive) bras have the underwires wear through the casing and stab her in the chest or armpit, within two weeks of purchase.
People on parole frequently face restrictions on their activities, even if those activities are legal for the general public. It’s quite common for them to have to adhere to a curfew, or not drink alcohol, for instance. “Keep away from sex workers” would have been a good restriction to put on this creep.