Tool of the Matriarchy

I had a melanoma removed from my left lower leg. It was an atypical presentation (no Dark Mark on the surface skin), so it had gotten quite big before I decided to have this Weird Lump under the skin removed. The subsequent excision left a circular hole 8cm in diameter and with the muscle visible at the bottom. It had

Just spoke to President @RTErdogan of Turkey...Likewise, the Kurds want it, and the ultimate solution, to happen (emphasis mine).

Sorry!  you’re right.

My partner is salty about the size of my bank account. What should I do?

He’s already throwing the Kurds under the bus, by saying that “they aren’t good people” and making a reference that the area needs to be “cleaned out”.

You said “Speaking of the N word...Have you ever seen a Tarantino movie? According to your stance you dare not have enjoyed it.”. As I said, I have seen a Tarantino movie (well, part of one) and I didn’t enjoy it.

Did you mean that I would be a hypocrite if I enjoyed Tarantino movies, because then I would be enjoying

Transphobic speech contributes to the view that trans people aren’t worthy of respect. At best, this makes their lives much harder (which contributes to trans people’s horrific rates of suicide and self-harm). At worst, they get murdered by transphobes.

This just in...yummy314159265 is a crappy parent who thinks it’s OK to make fun of your “piece of shit” kids in a public comedy show for money, and to refer to your kids as “piece(s) of shit”.

I didn’t forget slavery: I decided to not reference it because the US wasn’t founded on slavery. Slavery came later.

CW: Repeated use of the R word this article should have used.

America was founded on LIBERTY & INDEPENDENCE – not government coercion, domination & control.

I have seen a Tarantino movie.  I didn’t enjoy it.  What’s your point?


Chapelle can perform what he wants. And if what he wants to perform is transphobic, I have the right to call him a transphobic piece of shit. I’m not seeing your point.

Exactly. Comedy should offend no one at all, ever, and if it does the comedian deserves to be staked out on an ant hill and covered with honey. You’ve articulated my position exactly.

If you don’t like politically incorrect jokes, then why did you click on it?

He is allowed to say whatever the hell he wants in public; and I’m allowed to say he’s a hateful piece of shit for saying it. I don’t watch or listen to him; why would I support someone with that sort of track record of homo- and transphobia?

We can not fall into the tropes that “#metoo has gone too far”, “Men fear being alone with women in workplace” all of it. We are now required to be even more vigilant and vocal than ever before.

I honestly think (hope?) if she’d been born 30 years later, she’d be a laughingstock.

I abhor what Ms Wolf is saying because it suggests that women powerful enough in the “meritocracy” to take their place in important ‘hierarchies” should have protection from sexual harassment, through their institutions.