I repeat: the onus is on you to provide the good quality evidence and state your case.
I repeat: the onus is on you to provide the good quality evidence and state your case.
Imagine for a moment being a young boy (or amab) and you want to fit into the male crowd at your school. If you request consent before they begin their inevitable hazing rituals, you will look “weak” and be feminized.
The writer Yann Moix—who once infamously announced as a 50-year-old man that he preferred the “extraordinary” bodies of 20-year-olds to those of women his same age...These men were not only disinterested in this exploration of the female gaze, but also seemingly outraged by it.
...letting the market consolidate into a monopoly isn’t a good move for instance...But it’s a balance...
Or I could bitch about how some people can’t get a job because they face systemic discrimination and disadvantage.
Fuck them all right in the ear. This will kill women and AFAB people. How many are now too afraid to visit a gynecologist? How many are going to die of cancer of the reproductive organs, or suffer horrifically with fibroids or ovarian cysts or endometriosis or prolapsed uterus? Become infertile? Miscarry?
Which is worse?
...all of its liberal values didn’t seem to count for much when it came to the fate of its workers.
Capitalism affords
youcishet WASP men without disabilities or chronic health problems a good market foryourtheir talents, assumingyouthey aren’t doingbasketweavingwork perceived as feminine.
...the “hollow a victim out so you can use their skin as a puppet to sell merch” bit has always struck me as uniquely ghoulish
Yeah, this was the MO of my emotionally abusive in-laws. There was always one Golden Child who could do no wrong, and one Black Sheep who was the direct cause of every problem the family had ever experienced.
CW: discussion of suicidal ideation and death by suicide.
CW: discussion of police violence against black people.
As long as RBG gets the drug treatment next and NO ONE FUCKING ELSE...
Youre right but its also not the point the OP was making by listing those examples. Which was abusive women or allegations against women are not taken seriously.
Citations, please. There’s plenty of research on the gender pay gap. Here’s just one of the many available articles a quick Google search away. Its conclusion;
What about Heard’s own domestic abuse record against women? Or Asia Argento harassing and pressuring a minor for sex? Or 2 of Kavanaugh’s accusers who were found out to be liars?
...people who are agreeable never get raises, sometimes you have to put your foot down and demand better pay.
“Listen, the last time people did this, people ended up killing themselves,” Goldberg said, referring to Joseph McCarthy’s Hollywood blacklist of the 1950s.
Migod. Thank you for standing up for your stepson and fighting for what he needs, for so long, in the face of so much dismissal! What a horrifying thing for your family to have to go through, and how tragic it’s affected his entire childhood. I hope he doesn’t have any permanent physical damage, and that he’s now…