Tool of the Matriarchy

I’m in Australia rather than America, but I can agree with this. My daughter was in a scout troop in a fairly remote area. Two troop leaders. We never saw any higher-ups. No sexual abuse I know of, but when First Leader split up with his wife she immediately started dating Second Leader. Then she insisted on coming as

I’m so sorry.  Someone should have protected you, and all his other victims.  I hope you’re able to heal and live your best life.  Internet love and hugs for you (with your consent, obviously).

You know, at least when Hamlet was beefing with the rulers of Denmark, he had the decency to die at the end.

I’d rather have Trump managing A KFC than the country.

When I know I’ll be in a long long line for a long time, I bring a collapsible camp stool, some bottled water and snacks. Were people even allowed that?

If you have such a strong reaction to this that you have to take the time to tell me your life story and about how you’re oh-so-different from the rest of the narcissists, maybe you should assess why that notion is so upsetting to you.

“reverted to their training”

...all I can think is “maybe if you spent that time just correcting the behavior rather than pulling out your phone for photos, which he equates as a positive things, he might just learn not to do bad things to get attention.”

The post is filled with photos of toy bikes parked in the middle of a flight of stairs, athletic cups and Hot Wheels abandoned in the unlikeliest of places, and even a photo of a child gazing at a woman in a bikini, with the caption “typical.”

...police opened an investigation the month of the punch, but didn’t make any arrests. This morning, police say they are still investigating.

You’d think a bunch of religious people would be more scared of hell.

Very few 19th C depictions of women hold up well.

Well. I mean, the whole of humanity is directly descended from Adam and Eve (/s).

Tremendous amounts of money pouring into the United States. People want safety!

It’s the language version of cultural appropriation.

they also officially drop all charges against a defendant upon their death, which makes sense due to the presumption of innocence, and a corpse’s inability to defend itself, but it sure does feel wrong in Epstein’s case.

Agreed. The English language is a fucking mess and frequently trips up even native speakers.

What other languages does she speak?

Reality show contestants in general seem to be absolutely clueless about the fact that you can literally watch previous seasons of the show to get a feel for what goes on.

It is a masterpiece of bullshit, isn’t it. SO many weasel words.