It’s about my personal safety and the safety of my family.
It’s about my personal safety and the safety of my family.
If you can’t figure out why hitting on teens as an adult is gross, then I can’t help you,
An age gap per se is not a problem. An experience gap is. People do so much growing up in their late teens and early 20s, that each year is like dog years in terms of their maturity and life experience. This starts to level out in their mid-20s. By their late 20s age gaps matter much less and lose much of the predatory…
They would also not consider exemptions for rape.
My daughter is 27 and being hassled about getting married (she and her partner don’t want to) and having children (she’s not ready to even make the decision, let alone get pregnant). Even my name gets dragged into the mess, with people insisting that “Your mother must want grandchildren!”
Of course you’re right. The judge is going for the “perfect victim” gambit; it’s a double-edged sword, but certainly gets the point across exactly how perverted this legislation is.
“‘I write to ask forgiveness again,’” Cardinal Dolan said...
While the school is not aware of any instances of discriminatory conduct against students by the teacher...
“I didn’t say THOSE White Supremacists are Very Fine People, I said THESE White Supremacists are Very Fine People.”
Man overwhelmed because ALL the people he harmed, came for him at once. More at 11.
A bunch of drug cases dismissed...and there was a big too-do about marijuana being found in Mr. Jean’s apartment. I wonder what THAT connection is.
Ah. So, it’s the “fuck her” option. Thanks for the info.
Fuck ALL rom-coms. If I want to see the vapourings of self-absorbed narcissists I’ll go on FaceBook. The central conflict of rom-coms is always caused by an arsehole (sometimes two arseholes!) seeking someone to Complete Them. The protagonists’ idea of The One is someone who’ll act as spiritual Polyfilla, filling in…
Unfortunately, there are a lot of men who don’t need to be taught that.
In a world where women are still murdered by the men in their lives, paid less then the white men in their lives, and struggling to get child care, the real suppression is fashion criticism? I guess this is the biggest problem you have if you, like Munn, make millions of dollars. But that’s not most women. Even if…
I don’t subscribe to ANY streaming services, because fuck that. I want the old Blockbuster model. I want to click into a site, click onto the 10 Weeklies for $10 deal, pick out 10 crappy movies from their menu, pay my $10, and stream the hell out of those 10 movies for a week.
You are a great mother and they are full of shit. How dare they. They tried to kill your baby so they could feel superior. Good on you for ignoring them and doing what was best for your little one.
Yas Queen, throw that shade at the Trumps
Thanks for the clarification. I’m afraid there are anti vaxxers who would refer to vaccinating their kids as “violating” them. I genuinely didn’t know whether it was an Autocorrect, or something you meant to say.
we probably shouldn’t force parents to violate their children.