GOOD THOUGHT! I’ve never considered that before.
GOOD THOUGHT! I’ve never considered that before.
CW: description of transphobic rhetoric.
Even in “women only” spaces, most of the time they just intrude as cis men, I thought.
I’m in Australia, and we do elections hella well. I was aghast to learn that some other countries don’t have an independent Electoral Commission overseeing all aspects of Federal, state and local elections. Drawing electoral boundaries, maintaining electoral roles, supervising voting procedures, counting votes...not…
I hear you. As a white person, I know there’s an ongoing debate about the use of the N-word in the black community. I also know my part in this debate is to stay the hell away from it. Never use the N-word myself; slap down any white people who use it; and leave it up to black people to discuss its use. That’s my lane…
Nothing says “Land of the Free” like criminalising children for refusal to participate in compulsory public displays of conspicuous patriotism.
Because they see women and children as possessions. While they “own” and enjoy those possessions (while they’re in a relationship with the woman and the children live with them), they consider it reasonable to pay to maintain them. But once those “goods” are no longer “theirs”, why should they keep paying to look…
Australia’s recently gone to a system of disability assistance funding, where the person is given a sum of money and a list of providers. Previously, they’d be assessed as eligible for the service and a government staffed and funded agency would provide it. Politicians say this model gives the clients more choice, flex…
I’m going to need to see receipts on trans women using deceit to assault victims.
I hear what you’re saying, but...that sort of assertion goes against all the training women get from birth. Don’t raise your voice. Be nice. Consider other people before yourself. Don’t make a fuss. Don’t cause a scene or embarrass anyone. Accept apologies. Forgive. Don’t hold grudges. Don’t say bad things about…
If you’re seeing an GP rather than an obstetrician, get thee to an obstetrician. If you are seeing an obstetrician, get a second opinion. If you don’t even trust your current doctor to have your and the baby’s best interests at heart, no wonder you’re terrified.
I am blindingly pale, but that still invites multiple comments per summer from strangers about how I really “ought to wear sunscreen... b/c you’re so very fair!”
THIS. The List was created as a semi-private heads-up, because these women’s workplaces ignored and colluded in their abuse. Knowing that no one else would protect them from sexual harassment and assault, women tried to protect themselves and each other...and some arsehole is suing because his “good name” was damaged.
“Witch Hunt” is a term that is intended to imply persecution without cause.
Whites and others know. They simply dont care and if it causes pain thats an added bonus.
JESUS! I saw a photo of that in an article I skimmed, and assumed it was the latest shitposting meme effort by far right groups. IT WAS IN THE GODDAMN CAPITOL BUILDING? IN AN OFFICIAL GOP DISPLAY???
We’re all desperately hoping that an act of arson that killed three people and badly injured a third is the politically-motivated assassination of a socially active pastor. Because that’s the only option where he can remain a good man. I hate that I read stories like this, and my brain instantly makes Assumptions. And…
Oregon is one of many states trying to figure out what to do when rent increases but wages don’t.
Flu shots can actually protect against miscarriage - pregnant people are more likely to miscarry if they catch flu, especially in the first trimester. There’s some evidence the baby may suffer long-term problems from in-utero flu exposure.
I guess by Meadows’ logic, the gentlemen who “employed” black folks down south before 1863 were clearly not racist.