Tool of the Matriarchy

You can make the right decision and still wish you’d never had to make a decision at all.

I had some diagnostic tests during my 2nd pregnancy, knowing I wouldn’t have a termination even if they showed abnormalities. I was having the recurrent thought, “Something’s wrong with the baby”. I wanted to know any problems as early as possible, so I could prepare myself before the baby actually arrived.

I’m glad they’re former friends. When I was having my second child, I was offered a (then new) blood test to screen for Downs’ Syndrome. I agreed immediately. Abortion wasn’t an option (for me), but if anything was wrong I’d rather know during the pregnancy, than get a horrible shock in the delivery room. I would have

The Church has faced sexual abuse allegations for decades centuries...

...this mess will be the go-to straw man argument right-wing media will vomit up everytime they want to shed doubt on or discredit future hate crimes.

Yeah, this is going to be the Duke fucking Lacrosse case of racist/homophobic attacks. I’m so sick of “RAPE VICTIMS LIE REMEMBER THE DUKE LACROSSE CASE”, and I’m like, you’re claiming rape victims lie all the time and your best evidence is a case from 2006? Fuck you.

My son, a 90's child, adored The Wild Thornberrys. So I was very excited to find that this existed. I had told him I was excited about his Christmas present, and he was a little anxious that he wouldn’t love it as much as I seemed to hope.

Add the infamous “bathroom bills”.

Oh Jesus, here we go.

I wasn’t paying particular attention to the original story, otherwise I may well have picked up the inconsistencies.

Do you remember the Bill Cosby case? Beloved comedian drugs and rapes women for decades, women repeatedly try to hold him to account, are disbelieved and vilified, he’s finally convicted with over fifty known victims?

I think we may be arguing about different things. I’m saying that I, personally, always believe people who claim to be victims until proven wrong. You seem to be arguing that “the media, blogs like the Root, celebrities who can influence dumbasses” have a responsibility to fact check all claims (including ones from

Why am I an idiot? You said

I automatically believe the victim unless and until facts prove me wrong. In this case I believed the “victim” until facts started pointing to him having lied. Now, fuck him. There are lots of other cases (particularly sexual assault) where nothing can be objectively proven; in the absence of facts, I have to decide

This post states what you were trying to say really clearly. I misread you previously and was mistaken about what you meant. I apologise for my previous comment and what I called you.

In Australia the national anthem is played at school assemblies and schoolchildren are taught the words. It’s also played at...well, sometimes at international sporting contests. And Anzac Day. Otherwise, probably only official stuff like citizenship ceremonies. That “hand-over-heart” thing Americans do is just

liberty and justice for all.

Wow, there’s a Grey Trash Troll who is very invested in convincing us Jussie is going to jail. Someone needs a new hobby.

Depends on who arranged the hoax and why.

What are the gaping holes, and why do you feel they are gaping?