Tool of the Matriarchy

On the subject of “temporarily embarrassed millionaires”, I recommend Martin Mundt’s short story Chair. It’s truly one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever read. You can listen to him read it for free here. At first you think it’s just a standard dystopia, but (spoilers)

Maybe that’s why Taylor Swift doesn’t take shit from anybody. I’m remembering especially how she called out that radio presenter who grabbed her arse, and when he sued her for losing his job, she rolled right over his defence attorney. To every question he asked, her answer included the fact that his client had

Don’t smoke in public.

I’ve never had a cat that reacted in any way to catnip, and I thought that here in Australia we weren’t getting the good stuff. Turns out, whether or not cats get high off catnip is a genetic trait, and most Australian cats don’t have it. Evidently, most American cats do.

OOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!! I was thinking “Huh, my cat eats cockroaches all the time, I wonder why they mess up dogs and not cats?”

Pope Francis admitted Tuesday that the Catholic Church has had a problem of clerics sexually abusing nuns everybody

Ah, I see now what you’re saying. I saw this comment from you in a reply to someone else;

The idea that there’s this widespread conspiracy among wardrobe, hair and makeup professionals to make them all look like garbage is highly entertaining. Pure fantasy, but entertaining nonetheless.

He, according to documents provided by his attorneys, entered “treatment to better understand the root of inappropriate, negative behaviors he had engaged in as well as to process underlying traumas that he had yet to address in any healthy, complete way.”

Thank you.  Sounds like good advice.

Well, THAT’S a detail the article should have made clear.  Thank you.

Kiyomi Leslie and Leslie Holden are the same person?

Oh, it was.

I feel this about Australian federal politicians Barnaby Joyce and Tony Abbott. There was a time I profoundly disagreed with their political positions and recognised they weren’t the sharpest tools in the shed...but believed they were honest and well-intentioned. I believed they had the national interest at heart and

Wait, I’m confused. He was

I’ll ask the question I assumed you were going to, and that I’d like answered on my own behalf.

“Hey,we said we wouldn’t sell your DNA data to private corporations, we didn’t say anything selling it to about America’s largest law enforcement agency that currently answers to an open racist and fascist. We have no idea why you may not be keen about the FBI being able to idly flick through that information without

CW: discussion of transphobia and transphobic rhetoric.

My daughter went through most of primary school flatly refusing to eat breakfast. She would come home exhausted and cranky, complaining bitterly about how hard the day and been and how awful her classmates were, vacuum up an astonishing amount of food, and make my and her brother’s lives a burden to us until the her

...will people be super excited about fitting voting into their holiday schedules?