
DeVos would later ask during her speech, “Have you ever heard of multi level marketing?”

Related: They did a study and it wasn’t “economic anxiety” but “cultural anxiety” that drove many to Trump.

In my experience the world just doesn’t work that way.

there’s a slogan for car buying i heard a while back:

Right now over 40% of the holdings of the wealthy are not being invested in the economy in the way you describe; they’re being squirreled away in cash reserves so they won’t be taxed.

I think you mean, lowering taxes on rich people and taking away worker’s health care. Everyone knows that’s the key to unlocking growth which will help everyone.

That man has an astoundingly punchable face

I’m afraid as technology progresses it is going to get worse before it gets better. I recently talked to a startup who a completely online transaction to dealers via their websites. Essentially the dealer sets a certain discount margin within the system, the user submits their financial info and boom...the deal is

This is totally correct, and doing this every day I would say about 70% of dealerships are not shady. Not every dealership has competitive prices, but not being competitive is different than being shady and unethical. The running theme of the Forbes story was Kia dealers, subprime lenders, and consumers who are often

Most Americans are way too myopic to know or care what Brexit is. Upon hearing the word, The average Trump voter probably thinks it’s a new kind of pretzel or something.

Most Americans don’t know what Brexit is.

“I am not a racist.”

Everybody needs to remember who Karen Handel is. Just a couple of years ago we were all sending donations to Planned Parenthood in her name after she (then working for the Susan G. Komen Foundation) withdrew Komen’s support for PP. Ossoff is fine, but it is vital that we keep HER out of Congress.

Voters better fucking show up then too.

Depends on where you live. West Coast? NK Nuclear Attack. Midwest and South? Sarin Gas/Civil War. Northeast? Contusions.

So it’s not about Trump?

How the hell can you owe $29k on a freaking Chrysler 200?

Not to mention the soon-to-be-decimated ancillary industries of bacon and egg frying, truck-stop prostitution and roadside urine collection.

That’s true. But they’re less than 20% of the population, and that fraction is dwindling by the day, if not the hour.