
I love torturing Trump apologists with the cable TV analogy. All they wanted was HBO (aka something about jobs/opportunity), but they had to buy into the package deal that included Cinemax (aka regressive GOP policy/racism/sexism/homophobia/etc). They may not ever turn any of the Cinemax channels on ever, or pay

Just wanted to say I’m digging the pro rassilin’ coverage as of late on this site.

my asshole boss believes that public schools and universities perform widespread indoctrination of kids into whatever the “liberal agenda” is, and yes, he’s 50! Meanwhile, he indoctrinates his own kids into being heartless conservatives, which I’m sure your peers do as well.

See??? The Trumpers were right all along, us plebians have nothing to worry about, good ol’ Ivanka Trump has our back! She said so! On the CBS morning show!

I hated Kaep when he was helping to take the 49ers to the stupid bowl that one year and I actually like him since he started in with the kneeling at the anthem. The guy has been fairly eloquent and steadfast in his making a stand (kneel). A co-worker of mine is a lolJets fan and was on the “anyone but him for our

I have begun telling people who believe in the conservative “personal responsibility” thing that their own “personal responsibility” includes helping their fellow humans in need. You have a personal/moral obligation to lend a hand, man. Why is the GOP so cruel and why is it that they have such a narrow definition of

We wonder the same thing...but in this situation it’s a pretty simple answer. The 200 is something this customer bought not a very long time ago. They likely rolled negative equity into their current loan; the bank allowed them to roll it in based on a percentage of the sticker price on that Chrysler. If someone

Car salesperson here. It’s a shitty statistic to read but I believe this and know it is true. And us dealers are all too happy to help people bury themselves. I stay neutral on it, but I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve told the customer “it’s up to you and how badly you really want that new car” and the

In addition to this being clear cut death by torture, this is also a waste of taxpayer dollars. If anything, I would think the showers would run up to lukewarm only, to save the state money. “Why are the prison guards in my GOP-run state allowed to waste my tax dollars boiling inmates alive??? I thought you fuckers

Yes yes, well maybe not “heroes” but this item would fall under the “victims blamed” category on Fox and the like.

Yeah, so what if women make 83% of what men do for doing the same work, “as long as they all become wealthier over time?” You don’t say.

I thought that was apparent right in the piece. On the chart there. Pretty hard to ignore.

“durr durr all the people he killed with drones hurr durr hurr..” oh look he took care of that one.

Oh man, I just made myself shudder at this thought...do you suppose the craven GOP would advocate putting kids to work at an early age as a form of “school choice?” Like I could see it happening. “What we’re talking about is about the family making choices with their kids, and some kids may thrive more in a

put ‘em to work once child labor laws are rolled back?

When I hear a sentiment such as “I just want my country back,” I think that this is code for “I blame POC, immigrants, Muslims, and/or poor people on welfare for the fact that I can’t afford the mortgage for the expensive house in the burbs I moved my family into to get away from all those people.” To paraphrase a

To be fair, when I hear “Joe the Plumber” I now think of a guy who posted “sorry but your dead kids don’t trump my constitutional rights” on his social media after the Sandy Hook massacre rather than that guy who Obama talked to that one time. So he got 15 min 30 sec of fame.

I used the same argument for when the Michael Brown protests were going on and were met with a heavily militarized police force. “if you’re ok with this, keep that in mind when it’s happening in your suburb.” I’m glad the Democrat is pointing it out, even if it’s to no avail, if just one person’s mind can be swayed

“For Profit Prisons” are a disgusting reality. The people who would be hired to work there will get paid such shit wages too to house and feed those detained, and on top of that think of the detainees. I have read about FPPs that keep illegals locked up indefinitely on the taxpayer’s dime, including women and

Before you know it, the crazy wing of the left will demand that you have a special tattoo or something to prove you’re a “real progressive.” Hillary’s boring “incremental change” version of progression would have been just fine for me compared to a Trump/GOP kakistocracy.