
But he’s got some talent. He’s got some athleticism

No, Mike, you can’t. But you also don’t have to turn your locker room into goddamned Arkham, either.

This is true. Seeing him continually moving the goalposts and redefining the parameters of his bullshit “no republicans owned slaves” claim was pretty entertaining.

Republicans: “If you don’t like it you can leave

Black people: “Ok write me that check for 400 years of unpaid work and...”

Every single one of these motherfuckers think they’re pulling some David Copperfield level of sleight of hand when they pull this shit. “Did you know Martin Luther King was a Republican?! It’s the DEMOCRATS who opposed civil rights.”

Everyone is always forgetting about the TV show, which wasn’t great but was better than any of the post-T2 movies.

If you were Barron, would you ever go on the internet?

“He can take a great joke just as easily as he can land one.”

“But the pattern raises a threshold question of who the organization is serving,” Varley told the Post. “Is it being run for the benefit of the gun owners in the country and the public? Or is it being run as a business generating enterprise for officers and employees of the organization?”

This story really illustrates how rich people live in a different version of America from the rest of us.

Let’s check the Toxic Masculinity scorecard!

Me: Please. Aubrey Huff doesn’t have any fans.

Mountain West? Why only focus on them and not the rest of the Group of 5? What about the Sun Belt, Southern, American Athletic and Conference USA? 

There will always be a huge disconnect between calls for “civility” and the words and actions of the people making those calls.

This is because—at least in our present moment—“civility” is just code for, “Don’t call us out on our shit. We find it embarrassing and inconvenient, and lack the rhetorical chops/intellectual


Yeah, I’d definitely rather focus on the fact that she shared, like, a thing implying that grieving parents’ pain was false then the fact that she’s not the best voice actor.

I want to know how “I didn’t mean to” fits into her story that she thought he was an intruder and shot him because he didn’t follow commands.

Each team should get a set number of Crime Points that can be assigned to individual players as crimes are committed, and once a player reaches, say, 51 Crime Points then a graduating set of punishments would be assigned by the league based on the player’s total Crime Points over a 3-year period. After 3 years, the

The guy sitting next to the Human Brick can say, with a straight face, *that was a bad shot*