5011th Burner, Still Grey Though

An old woman on the LIE flipped me the bird after I glared at her and shook my head while passing on her right. She had just pulled a double lane switch without a turn signal into the left lane all the while driving slower than the speed limit (limit is 55, she was doing 47. We were also out by Riverhead where

Let’s not pretend, we all know that they won’t.

It doesn’t even have a heart to beat yet.

It’s the GOP mantra
“F you, got mine”

When Ted Cruz is becoming one of the less scuzzy members of your party, there is some reflection that needs to be done.

He might have had a chance, but as mentioned above by Kai Forshower... “Knicks”
(Also getting shot outside a strip club tends to curb your athleticism)

There were too many people telling me not to click it.
WTF is that mess? I just can’t with that...

I was making this same point to a troll on a Harriot article today.

You just ran off a paragraph that encapsulated Chilly T’s point.
“The standard for being a cop seems to get lower and lower.”
Without justifying your point of mentioning the crime rate in a place that hasn’t had a murdered police officer in years (which was my point)

And yet, it’s still incredibly safe to be a cop.

If your argument against the cost, tax us all a little more (which in most cases would be offset by not needing to pay our premiums), and abracadabra... Magic.
If your argument is about the administration of it, you hire the same people that are administering to it already (this also bypasses the pesky part where those

He / She does, and so do you.

I met him at the Falls mall (Palmetto Bay / Pinecrest area) down there before the Vegas thing.
He was nice enough to me (then again I’m not a blonde woman), but he was definitely a little creepy when it came to the women that would pass by.

Got to it before I could

All three of them were caused by republicans?
(theoretically 9/11 could have been caught if JR read his intelligence briefings. The 2008 crash was caused by the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act, where 3 republicans sponsored a bill that repealed Glass-Stegal causing the crisis. Finally the current nonsense, especially as there

This drug was funded by the US Gov’t

I had to create my 5011th burner to post this link about a Texas law preventing contractors from supporting BDS... Because what they’re saying “prevent any government entity from taking ‘adverse actions’ against an individual or business for their ‘membership in, affiliation with, or contribution, donation or other