Yeah! McCain isn't common folk like the rest of us and Joy Behar!
Yeah! McCain isn't common folk like the rest of us and Joy Behar!
The entire system of federal government needs to be scrapped and reworked.
I don’t need to go to the doctor, I need money for rent and my car payment.
Shultz is still a better candidate than anyone the corporate overlords are pushing..
Didn’t other people sign off on the report as well? Why only focus on Barr? Ohh that’s right..
<insert folksy one-liner here>
Is there anywhere worse than the US in 2019? I don’t think so.
First off, I can’t believe the girl survived that, she is obviously a really strong individual, hopefully she pulls through and has a full recovery.
Cool picture.
But how do the democratic socialists in the US feel about Venezuela?
This is it this time, It's Happening!!
You think it would be that close? I’d bet it’s closer to a 90-10 range..
It’s too hard to pick candidates that appeal to people across the many regions of the country, would be better to rewrite the constitution in order to ensure political dominance instead.
It's not news, it's news-entertainment.
She should have been in a hospital, where were her parents?
Maybe give us more than just saying “everything is so dumb OMG” every day into perpetuity..
RBG will not make it until 2024.
I’m in the camp that thinks the Barr report of the investigation was probably accurate, and that when the expanded summary is released it will be another self-own for the people who are still living in 2016..