500 Days of Alexandria

“The U.S. House nearly unanimously passed a resolution condemning Iowa Rep. Steve King on Tuesday over comments he made approving of white supremacy.

The vote was 424-1. Democratic Rep. Bobby Rush of Illinois, who wanted to go further by censuring King, was the only vote against it.”

Also, at 4 years old a child is ready to participate in a political rally of your choosing, just be sure they wear the appropriate protective gear and/or know the meaning of the sign you have made for them, it is important he or she knows how to properly identify the enemy as well, no friendly fire.

The votes could be cast on Twitter, the infrastructure is already in place. It will be like the ancient Spartan system modernized for today.

But why stop at the Electoral college? Those damn pesky states and the stupid people in them could still obstruct the will of the people through the Senate, so it would have to go as well. We need a strong and authoritative federal government to ensure there is no inequality anywhere in the US.

Hmm, sounds like something a banana republic would do if the ruling class thought it would keep them in power indefinitely..

If we all pretend the cops shot her, that will make it real.

Ilhan Omar is using her position of power to go after Israel again?!?

Yeah, if Hilary would've won this wouldn't have happened.

Lol ok.

Seems kind of odd to attempt to lay the blame for a terrorist attack in New Zealand at the feet of Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro, but I guess that is how media works nowadays.

So Bernie used to be a communist.

How is what I said trolling?

But what about my plan that can possibly be implemented by 2024, It will see everyone powering their homes and vehicles using only happy thoughts, and anyone that wants one can get a 100k government job as well! Pretty good ideas huh?!?!?

Before, I was hoping he would serve little to no jail time and just confess, but now that he is continuing this charade he deserves whatever (stiffer) penalty he gets..

Apparently, I will read anything.

It’s kinda early to tell, but if I had to bet I would bet that “Beto” is the preferred choice of the international corporate conglomeration party also known as the US Democratic party.

“Listen, and understand. That terminator is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.”

Our street thugs are way better looking than their street thugs!!

I doubt it is happening at the level the the Right would like it to, but having newly elected democratic members of congress spouting neo-Nazi tropes about Jewish people on Twitter under the guise of “criticizing AIPAC” (lol) will have an effect of some kind, the level it rises to is yet to be determined..

Progressives fawning over WoC for basically no reason other than online woke points may be even creepier..