(Goes to wikipedia page)
(Goes to wikipedia page)
This is not suprising, progressives think they understand the entirety of the geopolitical landscape based off of their stereotype of rich white Republican bad people.
“We dont need those 25,000 $100k+ jobs in our area, we are fighting inequality and would rather those jobs go to people in other states!”
Impacted by what? The almost completely nonexistent threat of “hate” groups designated by the partisan SPLC?
Fight hate by voting for the corporate backed DNC nomination for president in 2020..
He was trying to get the attack videotaped but the camera he did it in front of was facing the other way.. Imagine how fake it would have looked, I bet it looked like a fight scene from a musical lmao..
What about declaring racism, xenophobia, homophobia, Islamophobia, a national emergency?
Media in 2019 apparently will just make up an entire narrative around nothing more than a picture in order to have a story that reinforces what they want to push.
Even if there is nothing, you can bet there will be a fake article here where we can all pretend its real!!
And also fucked over Bernie for the sake of Hillary but let's all pretend they are now a right wing organization 8nstead of a DNC mouthpiece!
Now that is some serious projection.
It might have something to do with the context of the full video vs how it was reported beforehand.
Good, hope he wins. I noticed GMG said he only “appears” to be mocking the drum beating guy this time lmao..
It's a slippery slope!
Not far enough left, wake me up when someone starts pushing social security for all..
We need to fight for the rights of all economic migrants to come to the US to pursue a better life than what they can achieve in their home countries, also the US system is totally broken and needs to be redone completely and replaced with something else, capitalism wont last forever you know!!
Oh thank God the progressives are here to explain their thoughts on race to Cubans.
Here is what bugs me about this, where I used to live a couple years ago there were a series of attacks on gay people where the perpetrators were cruising the “gay part” of town and attacking and robbing gay people out walking the streets. Some people were beaten with baseball bats, some kidnapped and beaten then…
Lyft has synergized with the media overlords, only racists use Uber, meanwhile the good looking intelligent people use Lyft.