500 Days of Alexandria

Right.. But gawker actually posted the offending content whereas the Enquirer hasn’t. Also, blackmail would still need to be proven in court.

This reminds me of the gawker-hogan sex tape fiasco.

I used to live in Tucson (great place) and I once bought a guitar for 20$ in Nogales, several months later in the middle of the night the tension from the strings caused the bridge to come off and it made a horrible noise, but I wasn't even mad cause it only cost twenty bucks.

You are clearly extremely sane and intelligent!

Considering the number of dumb things she has already said that only makes me question the curriculum at Boston University.

If we all hold hands and just believe, we can make it happen through the collective power of virtue and self-righteousness.

Well for one both parties admit something happened whether consensual or not, for two Michael Avenatti and his “gang rape” victims are nowhere to be seen, and for three in this case there are actually witnesses who claim she told them about this after it happened.

This has 100x the credibility of the Kavanaugh circus yet I’m not seeing the army of #metoo fiends descend on Virginia’s Capitol building.


The entire system needs to be broken down and then rebuilt, preferably by people that subscribe to my ideals

Battlefield is my favorite game series of all time, I am currently waiting for it to get below 20$ (maybe less) before I buy V.

This reminds me of the Hogan fiasco, GMG is against (somewhat) blackmailing people over dick picks but for releasing and refusing to take down sex tapes.

I laughed and went straight to the comments.

What’s funny (also sad) is that if you listen to what Liam was saying he was coming out against racism and was trying to use a personal anecdote to bring the point home so to speak.

It’s like the Rapture for evangelicals, but for people who think they are smarter than everyone else.

But who can save us from a PLANETARY APOCALYPSE (ZOMG!!) except for the chosen one?!?

If you adjust it for 2019 it kinda makes sense..

No, Mueller will wait until September or so of 2020, the timing is important to him..

Um, that's rape not sexual assault..

Lmao, progressives for a greater understanding of fundamentalist religious practices is too much fun.