500 Days of Alexandria

It’s still hilarious that the pro-AOC media sites have started always showing pictures of her where she is wearing glasses, presumably to appear more intelligent.

Oh wow, I am shocked to hear that Twitter is filled with hateful keyboard fiends, good recap.

Hmm I never thought about that but can see now how the race of that actor from 50 years ago could be traumatizing for some, and since I have no knowledge of things in that arena I will just sit back and listen.

If the NFL tried and failed to get the video from both the hotel and the police shouldn't the outrage crowd by pissed at the hotel and the police and not the NFL?

They learned that from Gawker, the links are always their old gossipy stories.

I think that is supposed to be assata shakur, who is famous for killing a cop and later escaping prison and then going to Cuba.

AOC has started wearing glasses now which makes her smarter and better able to fight injustices as a new member of the 1%


It's impossible for him to be antisemitic, he's on the left!

This is funny because knowing Yahoo whatever the hell that is going to link you to is 100% likely to be DNC talking points dressed up as a debate.

Also, social security for all!

(Thinks for a minute)

Really tugs on the heart strings doesn't it?

Yeah the online progressive disinformation arena is really starting to dry up.

Won’t someone think of the poor people forced to try and commit voter fraud, this one really tugs at the heart strings.

Does anyone know the whereabouts of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez when this crime took place?

Not enough.

Glad to see a mainstream media corp pushing conspiracy theories while still somehow not having their ad revenue pulled..

Stopped at “iconic morning show”.

The future leadership of the democratic party will be borne from candidates that win unopposed seats in Congress, makes sense..