500 Days of Alexandria

I’m calling it now.

Why is wearing a coat so important? I bet Applewhite would wear a coat if it was cold.

“Ocasio-Cortez’ spokesperson declined to comment on Politico’s report.”

She will learn to always go along with the PR team.

They get paid for it too, and have a union.

Maybe black people who vote Republican do so after hearing smug opinions about how they should feel/act/vote etc.. from people around them as well as pop culture in general..

I know this has nothing to do with the article but I think voting by mail should be done away with, seems like it would make it too easy for someone at the post office to lose, throw away, take, the mail-in ballots thinking they are helping their cause if they are in a predominantly Blue or Red area..

Which late night talk show did he say that on?

Aww man, now the information overlords will have to find a new scumbag lawyer to generate headlines they want to run.  Do you know how hard that is to find?!?!?

*53% of white women who voted

Can splinter use its voice in the digital world to push for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to become the next speaker of the house please.

Orange man bad, I know.

Good, I stopped voting straight ticket Democrat in 2016, Independents, green party, libertarians get my votes now and it's great cause I can crap on everyone in a debate.

People who lecture college students need to be investigated for biases, there should not he any Nazis in a position of authority.

Those crimes have not been verified by the ministry of pop culture, fake news!

Mainstream news entertainment corporations are doxing people over 2 tweets now, just because it trended.

I'm sure there is nothing more to this story.

Maybe the anti semitism emanating from the organizers of the women's march has finally started to take root and come to fruition.

Corrupt congressperson, possibly with early onset dementia, pushes conspiracy theory as leader of House Financial Services Committee, gets praised by NPCs in the media.
