Depends what you're dipping
I am English and a gentleman. I didn't understand most of that. Is "putting down I-55's in the left lane, fresh Blizzaks equipped" some sort of modern American street youth talk? Crimeney, it sounds like a rap lyric.
Bit of spare change, Kendal mint cake, and mini-flares... just in case
As a person of Europnik descent, I have NEVER understood the wood panelled exterior on US wagons. Is it supposed to exude class, รก la a wood panelled dashboard?
I like how old memories can play tricks on you. My Dad used to have one of those, and I had very fond memories of it as a good-looking, slightly svelte Jap saloon. HAD. Until you posted this image and I instantly thought it was one of these.
Sorry in advance, but; What in the flippity is the car on the right? I've seen RX-7 posted further down the comments... dat der dunt look like no RX7 I ever saw. Has the whole front end been replaced??
Indeedy. My old man had one, and then moved to an Alfa. If that doesn't tell you how unreliable these CL's are, nothing does!
Jeez... took me a while! Good work that man
It's done the rounds for sure. I like to think it's real, just so I can sit contently knowing that some knacker thought it was a good idea.
Heartily agreed! Although there is always an exception that proves the rule.
Their naturally tendency to pull left might come in handy. Hands-free NASCAR.
@Miticale: it's front wheel drive. So no :p