“no engine under the metal” I think the hood is some sort of FRP not metal.
“no engine under the metal” I think the hood is some sort of FRP not metal.
Not true, the electrical system could catch fire or the package area could of burned and not involved the fuel system.
Really, nobody can figure out this was an obvious fuel fed fire? How do fuel fed fires start? Hmm, maybe a fuel leak on hot exhaust? Did someone use a plastic fuel filter or incorrect hose as fuel line maybe? Kind of looks that way.
Well I guess getting the whales to pay for reworking the episodes then selling the whole thing to Netflix once sales drop off is a good model too.
Looks and sounds like high quality voice acting which I’m sure is not cheap. I’m sure once they get their initial investment back they will experiment with dropping the price in an attempt to garner higher volume sales.
PP masks don’t stop odors. Have these people watched too many cartoons or never attended a single science class?
Sell them all and buy the best car you can with the proceeds.
Considering you pay $1.30 USD more per gallon that’s 0.32 USD per liter or like $1000 Canadian dollars more I don’t think it matters much. Before Trudeau was elected Canada had a much stronger exchange rate, you need to vote that soy-tard out of office.
Newer stations out west here AZ, NV and CA seem to only have one of two diesel pumps usually on the outer most set making it easy for RVs to get to.
Unless you are towing something every other day Diesel is never the answer. Sure they get better millage but when you factor in the higher diesel fuel price and upfront cost of the diesel option you will never realize any savings. Add in the inconvenience of finding stations that offer diesel and waiting for that one…
Agreed, this is exactly what they did to the iPhone. Now you need to pay them 30% of everything you make from your app plus any in app purchases from now to eternity. I told Apple and their iPhone to F-Off a few years back and have never been happier. And now it looks like I’m moving over to Linux.
With energy density only getting higher I don’t see this happening anytime soon. I think the more realistic short term alternative is designing stronger, more robust and puncture proof battery housings and better battery charger management.
Has four doors, defiantly NOT a Shooting Brake.
At $5000 I was giving them a deal. A Chinook helicopter burns 1000 gallons of fuel in about 2 1/2 hours and at $5 a gallon for JetA fuel that’s $5000. Then you still need to add in the maintenance costs and crew pay.
With Siri performing so poorly with Speech to Text why would anyone trust it for a translation to a language they don’t even know?
Sounds like the National Guard got tired of rescuing dumb ass selfie hunters. I would of charged them each $5000 for the heli ride out and called them idiots for the entire ride. You, an inexperienced person hiked out to see a bus where another inexperienced person died and you even watched a movie or read a book…
This is the first New TG cast that seems to have good chemistry.
Guess there is no money to be made selling re-bodied BMW Z-4s. Toyota only succeeded in alienating their hardcore Supra fans and having the rest of point and laugh at their overpriced “sports car” offering.
Nice work. Being tall I think I would replace those hitch mount bolts with buttons head versions and turn them round to have the nuts on the outside. May not look as nice but would save me from gushing head wounds.
Considering the 99.9% conviction rate in Japan I would advise them NOT to take you up on the free tour offer.