
Many car shows get messed up in editing. You better go stand over their shoulders. Editors like to mix out all the best car sounds and cut away just right before the best moments. You need a car guy standing there for the entire editing process or it will get fucked up.

And Disney shits on another classic storyline to make some quick $$$.

Exactly! This positive test ended with one more tank/body design not to use.

Watched the one with the electric Baja. Looks like it was produced/edited by people that don’t know cars, where’s the look at the Baja electric motor or under the front hood at the electronics? Any of the other cars specs? Nope. Any flybys with the other cars exhaust notes at full volume, nope. Sorry, not a fan.

I should get one to stand behind me when I open the door for deliveries and guests.

Wow, I’d love to have one of those! I’d need to downsize that front emblem about 5x but everything else looks amazing.

Exactly, you can bolt any body on a modern race chassis you like, it doesn’t suddenly become that car. 

I’d love to pull up to a fancy restaurant or hotel an valet that thing!

$500 for a Comanche is a great deal. Hopefully you can fix that small rust issue.

What prevents someone from walking off with your battery while you are parked?

Correct, it’s an alarm shock sensor that was installed by an idiot. No strain relief of the wire, totally missed the mounting hole while cracking the mounting ear. Looks like a typical Best Buy installation.

If I was 5" shorter I would of considered buying a Lambo. I build all my own Vettes so don’t play your more righteous than thou crap here pal. And I wasn’t bashing Honda owners just Honda Fit owners which is the most uncar person vehicle someone could possibly own other than maybe a Zamboni.

So it looks like most Jalopnik readers are nothing but peacocking, woke-tard, Honda Fit owning living with their parents losers. Sorry, I thought this was a car enthusiasts site but this article and the popular comments say otherwise. Later tards!

Wrong, not even close to being a boomer. Looks like your gender studies degree failed you again!

Here’s a crazy idea that may work: Tell the best story you can and leave out all the social commentary and politics. Lowest rated Dr Who EVER, has less to do with the Doctor being female than it does the SHIT commentary and a few horrible actors. Orphan 55 was GARBAGE!

Entitled asshole millennial can’t stand that other people have more than they do. Can’t understand why their gender studies degree isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on and may actually be working counter to their job seeking effort.

The bigger question is why they they drew six tiny people to fit into the Opel. Look at their scale when compared to the rest of the car.

If they were going for the love child of 70s endure bike and escalator look I think they nailed it. Now the Ryker is a good looking bike albeit not electric.

Wow, that thing is fugly. I expect better from Harley.

I have a service cat that I use to keep my over positive attitude in check. It’s trained to bite me when I attempt to pet or get it off the counter. It’s also trained to barf on random important items whenever it detects even the smallest amount of joy or love in me.