
No sensors, just math, passengers + luggage + cargo + fuel and crew’s approval.

This is a person who spends $11k for a plane ticket, he’s not going to buy a suit at Men’s Warehouse.

$5000 for clothes? What the fuck is this guy wearing? I don't think I even own $5000 in clothes.

$11K for a trip from the US to Europe? Screw that biz trip and use Zoom or another alternative

Some people just want to watch the world burn.

Who votes NP for garbage like this? ND at any price over about tree fiddy. 


I did the math, that’s one NP vote. Show yourself and be gone.

This poor Civic did nothing to deserve this fate. Makes me sad.

The interesting thing to me here, as an anthopologist, is that citizens of extraordinarily ethnically homogenous Eurocentric countries like Sweden or Estonia, will almost uniformly demur that they have any animus whatsoever to ANYONE based upon their racial or ethnic origin. But when pressed to the point of discomfort

In general, most people who use the term “wokeness” in an argument, are probably a bit racist to some degree.

Their top driver is a racist, so this tracks.

Reiterate fuck Texas, or at least the Texans that come into my neighboring state in droves. The most belligerent, assholish cunts I’ve ever interacted with in my life. Stay in Texas fuckbags

I lived in West Texas for a few years and have been cycling for 30 years plus and I’ve only ever been attacked or threatened in Texas. I saw some serious anti bike there for reasons i can’t fathom

The cops’ inaction reeks of “Good Ol’ boys” network here, maybe the scumbag had connections? hmm.. or maybe they too shared the same irrational hate of cyclists and thought he “deserved it”? I’m just asking questions here.

Fuck Texas. Fuck cops. Fuck that Jeep guy. Charges should be more serious than a misdemeanor. He could have killed the cyclist. No, you don’t fucking joke around like that.

What the fuck? Seriously? It’s been 11 years since they stopped making them?

stupidly wrong

Nope. Get out of here with thatboth are equally bad” bullshit.