This is very impressive.
This is very impressive.
These jokes, they write themselves.
Well, Neverwinter Nights is a computer game that closely matches the rule system of D&D and Pathfinder. If you want the space version of this, go get StarFinder, which is out now...baiscally D&D in space. We are in a campaign right now, which will probably take a year to complete. It’s a blast.
I have about 350 Magic the Gathering decks, all nicely organized in containers and kept in my “Magic Office” which is just a closet. If it wasn’t for that, visitors to my place would have no idea I’m a total nerd.
I’m playing Starfinder in a campaign now, and my character is basically Anthony Bourdain in space. So I’ll see what I can do to make this work.
The poll was scientific and verifiable. The proof is here:
I understand. Your mind is made up, and you can’t be bothered with the facts. You resort to name calling because you JUST . CAN’T. BELIEVE. That most Native Americans don’t find the word Redskin a slur.
Except it IS the few. MOST Indians have no issue with the name, and what’s actually offensive is people like you ignore that because you don’t want to hear it.
Thank you.
Thank you for taking the time to respond.
Why? because I support Native Americans in their opinion that the use of Redskin is not a slur?
I never dodged the question; just like the other idiot here you aren’t getting the answer you want to hear so you keep asking it. The answer is NO. It is not a slur. Native Americans themselves fucking say so.
You have given no indication that you have heard what the Native American population has said in multiple polls on this issue on the importance and offensiveness of the name Redskins to them.
I’ve read internet comments from people claiming to be Native American who say it’s slightly more offensive than Indian. But there’s no polling, so I have no idea. I also don’t care.
It’s EXACLTY in the same orbit, because neither group is offended. How is this lost on you? Didn’t you read the poll?
Yes they are.
I’ve answered your question three times. You either have reading comprehension difficulties or simply didn’t read what I wrote. I understand you aren’t getting the answer you are fishing for, but the answer won’t change. No, I wouldn’t refer to Indians as Redskins in person by that name for the same reason I don’t…
No, just like I don’t call Scandinavians from Minnesota Vikings or People from New York Yankees. Not because it’s offensive but because it’s stupid.
Which is still statistically valid. If you have specific questions about the polls methodology, you are welcome to critque it and criticize it, but you should read it first; otherwise you are claiming “fake news”.