I’m sorry, I don’t see how the analogy is invalid. The point of the analogy is that the current earning potential of women in soccer is very low, because people don’t pay as much to see women play in person. That’s not a justification, it just is.
I’m sorry, I don’t see how the analogy is invalid. The point of the analogy is that the current earning potential of women in soccer is very low, because people don’t pay as much to see women play in person. That’s not a justification, it just is.
Someone please explain why this logic, from Forbes, is wrong:
Fish sauce is commonly used in SE Asian cuisine. Thai folks put it in EVERYTHING> And I have often found, oddly enough, that a bit of fish sauce in my pasta sauce does wonders...
Sure. Build free housing on Treasure island. For those who still end up on the street when that is available to them, incarcerate or institutionalize them.
I know. :-(
That’s because institutions in the 70's sucked.
Criminalizing or decriminalizing drugs is not part of a “war on drugs”. Nice Reagan talking point, though.
Its a bullshit post; read through their methodology. They oversample people in transitional housing.
Excuses, excuses, excuses. Your post is tired and long, but it boils down to: What about all these things that affect this person?
As soon as I mentioned my opinion on the homeless issue in SF, I was accused of having no sympathy. “Lack of sympathy” is a term often used by folks who can’t discuss personal responsibility among the homeless population.
“If you were suddenly homeless and unable to find a job, get insurance, buy food, sleep out of the rain, etc., your tune would change.” If I were suddenly homeless, there’s a ton of free services provided in this city to help get people back on their feet, and I would avail myself of them. If I still couldn’t, I’d…
No, rounding up many of them and sending them out is humane. It is NOT the job of the city of San Francisco to provide mental health benefits for all the homeless people in the country. If you come to this city, can’t afford to live and work here and have nothing to contribute, I’m sorry, but GTFO.
Nope. Lots of people share his opinions though. Deal with it.
No, it is NOT shitty. What is shitty are people who actually shit all over themselves in public. I have specifically seen this in SF. THAT is actually literally shitty.
The solution is to make using meth not a misdemeanor any more. Since voters did that, SF has been plagued by catch-and-release criminals, many of whom are homeless, who break into cars and do tons of low-level crime to support drug habits. The problem is getting worse.
It’s not shitty to point out the third-world dump parts of SF have become. I say this as a long-term resident.
Yes, because *I* have not chosen to get addicted to meth and live in a tent. You see this every day in SF. Saying the issue is ONLY poverty ignores facts and personal responsibility. Many people in SF are on the street because of their own failings. W
because you are failing to realize that a lot of people homelss in SF have chosen to be that way. It’s not heartless to point out that some meth addict who lives in a tent and yells at people is that way because he CHOSE to get addicted to meth.
San Francisco’s job is not to solve homelessness. It’s to solve homelessness in San Francisco. But if people keep coming into the city because of all of the free benefits it provides, it will NEVER solve it’s own problems.
You know what? I am a proud techie in SF. I have been here *20* years. This city has always had a massive homeless problem. Almost NOTHING is being done to successfully alleviate the problem. I am sick of walking down the street and looking at what is the equivalent of a third-world dump in some parts of the city.