It’s handy AF to beat the mofos next to you off the line at a red light also. I swear it takes a good 1/2 to 3/4ths of a second off my reaction time.
It’s handy AF to beat the mofos next to you off the line at a red light also. I swear it takes a good 1/2 to 3/4ths of a second off my reaction time.
Brake hold?
They’re not getting overtaken because of a 45 HP discrepancy. 99% of the people they want to buy the new V aren’t going to be drag racing their cars from light to light like a 12 year old
I’m pretty sure that thing would rip if the took the V8 out and stuffed a twin turbo V6 in it. But they didn’t.
This car is dead to me. It’s not a toyota, it’s a BMW.
Digit isn’t just the name of the robots, it’s one of its hidden appendages... A 10" appendage...
12 Volt mild hybrid???
So they’re hostages...
3000 miles is not a trend... I had a mitsubishi for 8 years and 140k miles with probably one of those high strung 2.0 engines in the world at the time and the only problem I had was the active center diff failed due to a poor design about 80k in, replaced under warranty. Otherwise, ZERO issues beyond that.
Forget the vehicular homicide charge. $10,000 is a cheap price to know that you didn’t straight up take multiple human lives.
That’s not how it works... it’ll still have the same moment. Try drawing a free body diagram of it and you’ll see what I mean.
“Boss, you want me to bolt the paint on to the car?”
I think I’m the only one that got your joke...
This is why sometimes, some people just need to get their ass beat.
That is bleak as shit. And as you get older, fewer and fewer people left...
That would be a bad thing why?
Do you know what arsenic tastes like?
I know a lot of conservatives who love to give the thin blue line 100% benefit of the doubt no matter what they do. I’m sure they’ll love the chinese system.
Oh crap... are they the ones encouraging this?
Whatever you get, have a good life insurance policy.