Officially, they probably did the worst thing imaginable.
Officially, they probably did the worst thing imaginable.
Or just a mesh fence on the sides. Which would also prevent someone from leaving the doors open.
That is frightening. I’m not a parent but I have a coworker who is and if I tell him that story, would immediately get emotional.
If you can’t imagine it, you’ll never get it and there’s no point explaining it to you. But ask any parent who’s ever had a kid run off to explore something due to curiosity and they’ll understand.
Obvious to you, not to a small child or animal ego shouldn’t be punished for their parents/owners mistakes.
It’s not about this guy, it’s about designing for unforseeable circumstances within reason. It’s not asking too much to think that some poor kid can wander into the area. By your reasoning let’s just allow the innocent kid to get hurt to punish the parents.
Yeah to have a system like that with NO safety is highly suspect.
There should’ve been a system that makes sure that if anything is in the path of the mechanism, it should stop. I blame everyone but I assign the majority of it on the manufacturer because my $100 garage door opener has sensors to make sure I don’t crush my dog or bag of groceries.
No. It will never leave. You forgot about the equilibrium part of the enlarged orbit.
For 150 large, this thing better heat up my wood.
You know the moon that’s way out there?
First Gear: *Looks out at DB11*
I thought carriers weren’t doing subsidized phones anymore, only payment plans.
Someone at work used to say “fly in the ointment” every time there was a small glitch in something. Dude was like, in his 40's.
I prefer not to have a flashlight in my mouth because it allows for rampant unbridled cursing.
It looks like someone removed 40% of Avy Scott’s stomach.
The problem is the idiot probably held onto the tow, which has a consistent force vector that is pulling you forward and down. He should’ve either leaned back dramatically or just let go.
They already have dual sim S8's.
The rope goes slack because the Tesla temporarily lost all traction and slid backwards before it could bite again and pull you nitwit.
That rig might’ve been only 4 horsepower but it generated a hell of a lot of torque, I tell you whut.