
What in the fuckity fuck is Straight Driving Assist!!!????

Wow a lot of people here don’t know shit about making $$ in a large corporation.

Shouldn’t u just burn shit onto your body instead of getting tattoos?

Did no one in marketing think that having a car named the Olds-Mobile is like, a bad idea for young people?

Dealerships rent cars?

Not many places to rent an E63 AMG :(

You do realize we’re comparing an EvoX with an S4 right?

Yes, that ain’t happening.

My babying it @ 55mpg gas mileage is like... 22-23mpg.

My 2.0 4 cylinder sedan has a life time average of 20.5 mpg over the past 100k miles.. err...

And we should cry for homeless people because?

I guess...

I was looking for a yes/no answer though...

You didn’t answer my question...

So you would rape and murder her? Or vice versa?

I’m a sick fuck but.... you’re kinda creepy.

Can’t they all just give him the f-u face while performing?

I love how in your scenario you made the driver white.

You may want to start writing an article...

Youre on drugs right? If I gave this lady a wrench, she would beat me to death with it.