
If I were a technician and I knew I could be overheard, I would be like, “Please adjust the quantum field extractor gap to 20 micron if you plan to stop for long periods of time or else you may put this entire town at grave risk. Also, engage the parking brake.”

On the internet...

Because you’re fat? Fatty fat fat fat.

Good girls love bad BO? Where has she been all my life??

I would settle for an Evo setup except with a 290 or so HP engine supplemented by a 60 HP electric motor and a small 3-4 kW battery.

Well that did had a cage... the amount of triangulation though...

No need for storm prep. Climate change is fake. La la la!!!

I’m also tired of people being able to just clutch and slam into a gear. Get rid of syncros, bring back double clutching!

Where was that article? That’s absurd, by that rule we can barely afford this civic.

He didn’t.. disney did.

For a family of 4... try $1000 per person per day. The disney VIP tour is $4000 per group.

What the fuckity fuck! It literally says “Private tour pricing approaches “if you have to ask, you can’t afford it” territory, starting at $2599 for a day in one park, or $2899 for both.” Literally says that.

Mine has 120k miles on it. I beat on it every time I drive it. I’m talking 6000rpm on onramps, tires smoking. The ACD pump went out (known fault), shocks are starting to go, but drive train, dual clutch tranny, engine, all going strong. Interior has a buzz or two, not too bad.

No. Do you want your car to hold itself still on an uphill using only the clutch?

Too much risk that your clone would emerge from the teleporter while you’re destroyed.

Witness? You mean witless...

That’s the worst driving advice I ever heard. Steer into the skid!

I did half dome last year. No steps.