Holy shit, y’all dumb and dense as fuck.
Holy shit, y’all dumb and dense as fuck.
Are you trying to embarrass Fiat? Are you? Cause you know it sounds like shit and you posted this anyway! It sounds like it’s wheezing.
Sucks for you haha. I did it manually exactly once and my wrist felt like a sack of marbles. As long as there’s no particulate transfer, its auto all the way for me!
Holy crap this is the unholy union of Japanese styling and Italian engineering...
Grill kinda looks like a jag.
Did you have to do that polishing by hand? Cause I have a machine to do that for me.
Technically in aluminium, looking at it will lower it’s fatigue life.
You’d want to inform the FAA of your recommendation then.
They better retire that shit!
Stresses are carried on the surface of parts. The easiest way to think of it is a beam being bent. One side goes through tensile loading, the other compression, with the stress distribution going from positive to negative through the center. As a result, yes, you can examine aluminum for fatigue or stress…
And when ISIS goes down, they’ll just go to the next guy.
Inertial dampers.
Plus the secret entrance is in like, the busiest train station in england.
I was just chilling on the N train when all of a sudden half the people on the train immediately made a hole. I didn’t see who it was but I smelled it. It was that rotten smell of vomit, piss, and shit and it was thick, like soup. There was a homeless man who walked onto the train with this thick crud on his hair.…
Anal or nothing!
I’d be like, give me a pension for 75% of my annual salary starting today and I didn’t see shit.
Does it come with performance enhancing drugs for the driver?
He’s asian... that’s all I can deduce..