Those shits are never aimed right. Need more light, go for HIR’s.
Those shits are never aimed right. Need more light, go for HIR’s.
3rd degree murder... I suppose at 6th degree murder, you can basically walk away scot free.
Most data intensive way to quote, ever!
What is the logic behind this? I mean, if they consider them of the lowest class to the point of naming them untouchable then why would they even rape them? Just kill them and get it over with.
You shouldve ran in front of him and been like WITNESS!!!
Agh! Mediocre!
When you’re chromed out, you don’t feel shit.
Shit happens like, literally every day there.
A lot of russian girls look like that.
Let me take exactly what you said and...
That’s gold! I’m gonna have to work that into my daily vocabulary.
Did you just say “That guy was fucking yolked out”?
You mean 99.99%
Holy shit, have you ever worked a single volunteer job or internship in your whole life? Jesus, you’re only supporting the other guy’s argument with this ignorant shit.
“in order to benefit from their work”
Every single middle name? Lynn.
If I do, will you witness me?
Arg it’s a right series!