I'm not going to let anyone make excuses for that man. I want him fired.
I'm not going to let anyone make excuses for that man. I want him fired.
I'm a mechanical engineer (don't deal with car doors though) and I normally don't brief the shop workers on how to handle things. I leave that up to the manufacturing engineers. But even then, we don't usually give them any specific guidelines unless say, there are key areas where they SHOULDN'T grip, for instance.
That's what she said!
Not sure if laying up carbon requires safety glasses since it's just like laying up cloth.
It's stamped carbon fiber!
I'm not sure anyone "taught him". I work with ladders a lot and a lot of new guys on the job are always holding it "the other way". The former way works it's just not as efficient.
I took his arm and rotated it. It's not exact, but you get the idea.
omg just behind the car look between the sunroof and antenna. There's a bear, run you fool!!
Dude is carrying it wrong.
If you take a closer look, there's a hole by his left thigh, grip that portion. Or the portion by the rear. It'll allow him to hang his arm straight.
Shit you're right. I forgot about the wheels and brakes.
Yes but you're getting TWO cars for the price of one slightly more expensive one!
World peace for the weekday commute, free bj's for the weekend.
Poor aerodynamics and weight would ruin the 40mpg commuting requirement, obviously.
What I want is a 4-door 1.8L 4-cylinder turbo making around 150hp that gets 40mpg with a 7-speed dual clutch for the week day commute.
Smallest airbag packaging I've ever seen!
She's obviously smarter than he is.
BMW's Head of Design Adrian van Hooydonk is HOT!!