All you need to know is, shit shit shit shit!
All you need to know is, shit shit shit shit!
Dunno about the video, but I actually like the sketch.
AWD.. in the dry...
Why don't they just attach an actual vacuum cleaner to this thing instead of using the arm. Duh!
My girlfriend got me the wheel, the chair, and GT5 for christmas. Still getting laid!
I saw that car in NJ on Rt 4 2 months ago! It looked immaculate.
Thank you Mitsubishi, you couldn't find any other list to be on top of!
Didn't he died?!
This is why I love red bull. Cause of shit like this. And shit like this: []
You mean they should do what any other large soft drink company would do and make shitty peace commercials about flowers and polar bears and hoard their profits?
Give a man a stove, keep him warm in his home.
Exactly! So for all those people here who are saying he's wasting his life away, I'd say he's at least doing something constructive. Or destructive...
How's this any different than me watching TV for 2 hours a day?
Every time you sneeze, you'd end up launching 800 cubic feet of dirt into the next town...
There's an air shaft that comes out of the steering wheel and you have to blow on it.
1 more year... depending on what state you're in.
Did you just say...
I just throw the stick forward into neutral from drive.
I love a good budget performer as much as anyone but, this is just something else.