Did they really just clear coat the primer instead of using some actual silver paint?
They sell an Altima with no paint on it?!
Don't forget to smile when you say that.
Could've all been avoided by saying she was right. :p
They make some amazing knee braces these days.
Sadly, I know people who have enough money to equate this to ripping a pair of designer jeans.
To these people, it's about as hard as buying a pair of designer shoes.
I would not put my wife behind the wheel of a 400hp car if I knew she could have a seizure and end up doing.. pretty much what this woman did.
You can stuff the 120HP motor from an R6 along with the transmission into a kart. It will have better power to weight than the veyron, corner 3x harder. The wail of one of those motors at 17000rpm is something to be experienced.
It depends on what we're admiring.
I agree, this is dark but we seem to be making progress with this government sanctioned murder/employment scheme.
It's a string... :o
Unfortunately it doesn't sound like his voice has the power to summon jobs.
You'd have to arrange for that 8% to be the ones shot, not just a random distribution... Unless you pay for 4% of those unemployed to shoot the other 4%. But then you'll still have 4% left who are unemployed. I guess out of those 4%, you can then pay the other 2% and ad nauseum until you're down to just a single…
Sadly though, these things are not just given away.
Fiery death.
Probably eats better than I do...
Don't feel too bad. I nearly dropped my tablet in the toilet.
That's not redundant, that's a contradiction.