maaaaaybe they turned their backs because your designs look like hot garbage. but no kanye it's because of your pretty girlfriend.
maaaaaybe they turned their backs because your designs look like hot garbage. but no kanye it's because of your pretty girlfriend.
"Troll harder" does not mean "phone it in." Sheesh.
Hey, I have had relationships end because it would be more logical for me to be the earner than my partner and the idea of me doing the earning was a dealbreaker for him. Which is fucking stupid. If I am a woman with a PhD and great job prospects and you are a self-employed creative type with no degree and who brings…
The difference is that you're assuming that everyone in a certain group is terrible by association. If I worked in Japan still, you'd accuse me of being sexist based on Japanese culture. If I worked in media still, you'd accuse me of being sexist based on that article that just ran on journalism being biased against…
There is no way to salvage a joke that is saying "Women, you should feel lucky you aren't being raped even more savagely than you currently are. AND THAT'S IT FOR ME! YOU'VE BEEN A GREAT AUDIENCE! GOOD NIGHT FOLKS!"
Snuff porn?
I think their last name was Smegma McFart. I don't know, but I like to pretend.
Ari has been a regular for a long time and he's awesome. Kindly show yourself the door, troll.
Yeah, I realized that as soon as I clicked and realized it was a burner with three replies. Who claims to be a hardcore feminist to the point of excess and then uses male as a noun instead of an adjective?
Fallacy of relative privation.
a. The kinds of generalizations you make (all males are incapable of x) is as bad as when men make the same generalizations about women.
b. Who comes to a forum and tells someone their relationship is heading south?
c. Fighting patriarchy is not women's battle alone anymore than fighting homophobia is homosexual…
I suspect the above commenter is the most recent iteration of a common troll I've seen a few times. If it's the same one, they'll start hating on Muslims next.
"Hubba hubba" would have been a good start, but I respond REALLY well to a good "AAOOOOGAH!"
I wish she was here to comfort me because my professor is doing jack shit about it. We just started covering MRAs and the people in my class are missing the point and saying "you hear so much about feminism but not men's rights groups!" And now they all think that men's rights groups are in need of their activism and…
Oh my God, I would destroy him.
(I am a tall, broad, fat woman with a VERY BOLD way of speaking. I have been criticized for being overly aggressive and confident in the classroom...a criticism my male colleagues never get, of course. The benefit is, when it comes time for a bullish woman to put one of these guys in…
Basically, if you have to REMIND someone you are a feminist because your actions make it seem otherwise, you're probably not doing it right.
We have a lovely fellow in our departmen who enjoys taking women's history classes in order to"see how women do history." The historiography is totally useless for him, but he just finds women's history "cute."
I went on a date with a guy to see Miss Representation and afterwards the guy would not shut up about how enlightened he was and I could not get a word in edgewise. I thought maybe ... but no ...
I overheard the argument between two colleagues, so I only remember vaguely, but I know it had to do with some of the female dada dancers (many of whom trained under Laban, so they were legitimate dancers) just sort of being erased from dada history, or having their contributions attributed to background entertainment…
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