
I am the sebum producing-est person in the world with lots of long, fine hair prone to oiliness (I mean, I have to wash every work day) and go between BIG and the volumizing shampoo by Verb— both are the only things that keep my hair from lying completely flat and lifeless every day of my life. So yeah, if you’re

I am the sebum producing-est person in the world with lots of long, fine hair prone to oiliness (I mean, I have to

It’s almost like none of the people running these companies have ever seen Office Space.

I think you’re missing a big part of their business story, if not THE part of their story. In 2013 when they went out looking for their Series C, they failed to find it and instead had to take on $20M of debt. First of all, that tells you right there that they were struggling way back then and maybe the Koger’s

The CEO literally made the “not aspirational” comment in an all-hands meeting. The entire company heard him say it. I was there. Jaws dropped. His propensity to lie is shocking and disgusting.

This effect is not limited to the male Justices: the male advocates also regularly interrupt the female Justices. This is surprising, both because the Court’s guidelines explicitly prohibit advocates from interrupting Justices, and because the Chief Justice is supposed to intervene when this occurs.

If men can pass a law about what women can do with their bodies, can women pass a law about what men can do with their mouths?

Can Elton John please say the same thing to Trump?

That Danish “o” is the tell.

Love this so much.

Nursing tells your body to make more milk. If you don’t nurse, then your body thinks it doesn’t need milk then. Also skipping a feed leads to engorgement and clogged ducts. And sometimes you get mastitis. I pump mite than baby usually eats while I’m at work, so on weekends I had to be careful if baby isn’t fully

Every time the baby eats, mom needs to pump. So if dad feeds with a bottle, then mom is still up pumping. Not worth it.  

It sounds like the kid just needs solids in general no pediatrician recommends only breast milk still at 9 months they have ducking teeth already for god sakes.

Not all kids will take a bottle when they are breast fed.

It depends upon the baby and mother in this, actually.

That’s probably more work than it’s worth. Pumping is a huge pain in the ass. The thing is that the kid doesn’t actually need breastmilk at 2am. Dad could give her yogurt or apple sauce but women like the letter writer are usually too wrapped up in martyring themselves to let dad do much of anything.

Yeah, and at 9 months, she shouldn’t necessarily be nursing the baby back to sleep four times a night just out of concern for her teeth - there’s a lot of sugar in breast milk! Sounds like dad needs to get in there and try some cuddling or rocking.

To be fair some women don’t get shit from a pump. On average I’d get 1 ounce per pumping session. I switched to formula then because fuck spending all my time feeling like a cow.

Good Grief, Good Point!

Yes. I made a similar comment upthread. Why is the onus only on the mom to feed the kid in the middle of the night? Switch off or something.