
Are you sleeping with headphones on all night? Or do you take them off at some point?

There’s also the issue of why these teens thought it would be a good time to get into it with a bunch of deranged MAGA supporters.” I’m going to go with “because teens”. Teens do dumb things. The adults should have been adult here.

How big is your kitchen????

At least they fixed it. :-)

Why are there 4 zeros after all the dollar amount commas? 88,0000 is NOT 88k - it’s 880,000. 88k is 88,000

I agree that it should be (that was, indeed, my point), but I don’t believe it is because the article explicitly calls out IRAs separately: “They don’t necessarily reflect the full picture of your finances, and you’ll want to factor in other savings from an IRA...”

Except, they specifically say “They don’t necessarily reflect the full picture of your finances, and you’ll want to factor in other savings from an IRA....”

A 401(k) balance is a really limited indicator, considering many people migrate their accounts to an IRA when they change jobs. My 401(k) balance is nowhere near where it “needs” to be, but if you add all my previous 401(k) funds, then it does.

I 100% don’t get this decision. The IRS - a government entity - considers your taxes filed on-time if they’re postmarked on the due date. So there’s already (federal) precedence for this. Did nobody at SCOTUS bring this up? Is this down to a difference between federal and state laws?

Went as Carrie from the movie of the same name, post-blood-bucket prom scene. Drove to party in dress/wig, and then got out of car and dumped the fake blood over my head. And then I was wet. Very wet. And dripping. I tried to wait around for the blood to get tacky, but it was really cold. So I went into the party and

Have NO bearing, that is.

I just want to add that whether your employer contributes a match or not should have to bearing on this decision. They’re not going to match on your rollover amount.

Everyone be sure to ignore the link from the right-wing disinformation outfit Project Veritas, from a user who has no other comments and probably just created their account today.

1. It’s not just death that’s an issue. There are plenty of people who have had long-term complications from this.
2. There are a ton of unknowns about long-term effects of this new disease.
3. You should be worried about passing it on while you’re asymptomatic and causing someone else’s death. 

I do all the time.

How is there not a single option with nose wire? You obviously don’t wear glasses!

How is there not a single option with nose wire? You obviously don’t wear glasses!

If you have high arches this might not be the shoe for you either. With my high arches I find this model doesn’t have enough room, or give, on the top of my foot to be comfortable.

Fell off a curb and sprained my ankle while playing Pokemon Go on the way to work. My spouse had to come pick me up, and I lied about what happened because I was so embarrassed.

But what if I don’t want it to go automatically into my new 401(k) plan? Is there going to be an opt-out on these things? I’d way rather roll this into an IRA that doesn’t have stupid 401(k) fees.