This reminds me of the time when we all found out that Gorillaz was just Blur. Conclusion: all ~secret art~ is just British musicians in tight blazers.
This reminds me of the time when we all found out that Gorillaz was just Blur. Conclusion: all ~secret art~ is just British musicians in tight blazers.
Now THAT is listening to your customers!
Believe in Belushi and Aykroy of course.
As far as I can tell there has never been an official answer, so I am extremely thrilled to be able to provide one, 19 years later.
I’d like to interject that if you’re aiming at quality doggy style some spreading of the cheeks is desirable (ahem). Then everything would be on display, but really, who cares? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh, and I love love LOVE the multiplayer. I was a huge fan of multi in ME3, and I love this.
I’ve been saying it for a year or two now, but Critical Role is some of the BEST TV I have ever watched. It’s so real. It’s made me cry numerous times, especially recently with Taryon. And it’s fucking IMPROVISED! It’s the best.
hmmmmm OK nobody read this article until you’ve pre-ordered the book
Rage, rage against the calling of the last.
The comments aren’t Jezebel.
the ocean is fucked up
Did you know scallops can swim??
I always appreciate when well done kids show up in games, it makes the worlds so much more lived in and believable.
Many game developers, for whatever reason, struggle to model kids that don’t look extremely weird or creepy.
Aw, I like that take.
I really, really needed this game in college.
🎶 Just another dick and a wall 🎶
I sentence you to death by hats.
I don't follow manga at all, and only discovered this concept about 6 months ago. I instantly noted it down as one of the most batshit crazy ideas I've ever heard of, and chalked it up to Japan being Japan.