Guy Montag

Even if the hand isn’t your cup of tea Jessica Curry’s soundtrack is ethereal, fuzzy and haunting.

Oh good, maybe they’ll make the software less fucked

Free video game soundtracks with a pwyw option that goes to charity.

Free video game soundtracks with a pwyw option that goes to charity.

Yep that’s the one. I watched it live at work. Was not expecting the end.

Nope, local midday crew

This is not the first time fox10 has operated without a delay and got screwed. They aired a dude blowing his brains out after a high speed chase a few years back. I hear his kids were watching the live feed via stream when it happened.

I feel like there’s now a market for cosplay based on “the FP”

“throodal roodal”.

(featuring the lesser Hemsworth, Liam)

Dude can eat a 12 pound elephant dick. I’m getting popcorn while this shit gets interesting.

There was a message to the original shock, albeit a multifaceted one. You stated on the right path with defeat of one’s creation outpacing the creator, but there is more to it. The creation is corrupted by the greed of man, which then finds it’s creator lacking and decides to remake us in its image. It’s that thing

I’m not going to lie. I hate almost everything Baz Lehman touches. It all rubs me wrong and feels hollow. That said, I might get in on this.

A sequel to quake 3: arena then? Interesting.

Star Control 2 comes to mind, especially as it can be turned into a 3 movie arc or a 5 year series if you break it down. You have all the traditional hero story elements set against a farscape-worthy background of a galaxy teeming with weird life.

I misread the title and was hoping for an article about bill gates in an 8mm style doom themed porno/snuff film.

On one hand phone call pranks are pretty funny, on the other hand calling a social services reporting line is a pretty dick move.

“Pizza rolls, not gender roles” is my new superhero catch phrase

My understanding, based on an Engadget article, is that MS is releasing tools that let you port PC games to xbo via some sort of wrapper architecture

The number where everyone was scratching their wormy buttholes on the bleachers was great....

I see what you did in that last paragraph..