Trolls like that need to be doxxed, charged, tried and sent to prison.
Trolls like that need to be doxxed, charged, tried and sent to prison.
fuck removal. Replace with the original. Mother fuckers need some intestinal fortitude
where is the blumpkin?
Jesus Christ on a jet ski I shouldn't be laughing like this at work
While in the service I was approached by some of these "Oath Keepers" They are a fucking fifth column and a danger to this nation.
That is all kinds of "fuck no, I'm out".
i hate to say it, but this is what the man was meant for. The only other man righteous enough to pull this of was billy mays.
i want this case. Where do I send money. Seriously, take my money
so the idea of a planned coop heist experience where success is measured in survivors and cans of beans doesn't excite?
i am however missing one episode because the disk is scratched... But it's that one about the asshole boxer so it's no great loss
also my boxes are falling apart, I have an 18 mo old who thinks chucking dvds is awesome... And Netflix and hulu had the episodes out of order.
no quotes. All my Babylon 5 and homicide is backed up.
hell yes. Playing media from USB means I can finally watch all my backed up dvds
4kbshort play the game in like 50 parts. He also offers commentary... so take it for what its worth.
The original system shock was just as good, but also WAAAY clunkier and ahead of its time. For comparison it came out between doom and quake. It had a control interface that can only be described as minority report meets quake. You controlled movement with the number pad and could go from standing to prone, and…
Christ this creeps me out
It seems that Mass Effect Multiplayer has had an effect on the industry. The whole RNG loot system for upgrades in PVZ and now this certainly argue that adding a slot machine to the game keep the addiction strong.
damnit, like I don't have enough bandwidth problems
my sister in law's sister has a young girl of 4 who is forever in love with Leonardo. When she met my son and found out he was named Leo she decided they would be married because he's the closest thing to a ninja turtle she is likely to find.