Guy Montag

once upon a time I managed to injure my hands with a high powered pressure washer. Essentially the skin on top of my hand was washed away leaving nothing but bone muscle and misc fat. Needless to say I went to a doctor. The problem was that I was in the middle East and the doctor was, well... Not well educated. So he

because crucifixion is so mainstream


if your ever in Arizona let me know we can explore the greasy spoons of phoenix and be sandwich friends. I'll show you sandwiches that look like something from a troma film, but taste like heaven.


can you also rank crafting shows, cause I'm not sure it gets any better than the drunk sex jokes on "she's crafty"

console web compatability might work.

oh god yes, give me RR on my xbo.

completely doable with kinect and the right kind of projector

i still find shodan to be one of the greatest villains ever. Her amoral grand standing and personal interaction with the player make her nightmarishly real.

i remember installing win 95 of like 14 discs

health care clinics run by the feds on the Res tend to be... Poor. So a professional one would be a step up. There's always some money in being a landlord... Not much but some. I wouldn't discount the appreciation that indigenous persons have for sticking their fingers in the eyes of Caucasian America. Something

Has anyone thought about approaching native American tribes for the right to build and operate clinics on their reservations. It would be a bit pricier but state laws don't tend to have much sway there. Just federal law.

i just made an avatar for my next mass effect trilogy run through. It's my wife. Is that weird?

This is what Chuck Norris would have looked like as a marine

Surgical gloves full of sweat or spit

whose a cute little Krogan

I don't think thats possible. She is reveling in the fact that Mickey mouse isn't personally keeping it closed with bailing wire and paper clips anymore.

both me and my wife agree. Dolly parton is a saint, and genius. We will love her to the grave and beyond.