This sounds like my mother in law.
This sounds like my mother in law.
My brother's, sister in law's, baby daddy hooked me up with a ship with lifetime insurance through some special deal they had going for "sponsored" citizens. I'm really glad too, I missed the original boat to stick money into MWO so I could snag a battlemaster. Can't wait to escort freight.
While in the service we got a class on this, and in identifying health conditions from stool color, and consistency. Fun stuff.
I knew a dude who swore by lithium grease for cold weather, but I would never try it. I kept a small squeeze bottle of CLP tied around my neck on 550 cord.
Moon dust is far finer than sand, its got a clay or silica quantity that makes it especially pernicious. Many guys refuse to lube their rifles while behind the wire because the moon dust gunks up their weapons.
Blue Falcon or Bravo Foxtrot = buddy fucker, the guy who takes the last hot sauce or leaves you in the shit to fend for yourself
You did do well. We cam about 4k out of pocket, my parents paid for catering at about 1k. We did the wedding in the church and the reception at an arthouse downtown. The arthouse maintains a garden for receptions and concerts. My wife's uncle and family friends got their band together and played live music most of…
Did my wedding for about 5k. Essentially paid for by the wedding gifts.
Only in fancy places that make it by hand. Many use Worcestershire though.. Still tastes fishy.
Nicotine is one of the worst. Its why I quit smoking. I can also smell onions and garbage from across the house.
anchovies yo, there be anchovies in real ceasar.
Parents always said I was mature for my age... still get that... makes me feel old. So I indulge in fart jokes.
My parents are saints, and they know it.
I was 8 years old, and prone to chronic migraines, the onset of which were preceded by sensitivity to light, or heightened smell. I woke up feeling tight in the head, another warning sign, but didn't think much of it. As guest arrived and nibbled on snacks I started to feel awful, I could smell the fish in the…
I got the error when saving an avatar. Tried again and it worked fine.
I agree. People just hate micro-transactions. Thats the real issue, its why there's so much scorn for F2P games. The value is perceived as less. I would bet dollars to donuts that the characters go on sale just like everything else, and you could fill the roster for half that price if your patient.
Im loving my XB1. I showed my wife the snap feature with IE and she couldn't form a whole sentence. Forza is fantastic, but I somehow feel that I'm about to spend a lifetime in the car design mode rather than racing.