Dante Thunderstone

eat shit

I am not being hyperbolic when I say that this is the most important artistic news of the last decade.

RIP Kotaku, it was nice while it lasted. best of luck stephen!

It was an honor to work with you. Beautiful note and best of luck on your next gig!!

That’s not it at all. The subreddit blew up from a few hundred thousand people to around 9 million in just over a week. Who do you think those 9 million were? Idiots, bandwagon folks, uninformed and clueless stock traders.... newbies to the scene, brought in by all the media attention, who never realized they were far

I think it’s more poor choice of words than malice. She’s a neo-burlesque artist, she doesn’t have a press secretary.

You’re reading too much into it.

People in an adminisatrative subdivision of a Far Eastern nation have confronted a young adult for violating one of the country’s laws. According to a local news source, they say the person made a transaction involving an altered fictional creature.

I like this answer.  I hate when someone comes out and says “He didn’t abuse me,” as though that were proof the person isn’t an abuser.  The reality is different people have different experiences and there are many reasons why someone might abuse one person, and not another.  

Despite all his rage, he is still holding cats on this page.

Reznor has been pretty public about the fact that he was a drug and booze-addled mess in the 90s so I wouldn’t rule out some bad stories surfacing from then; unlike Manson he seemed to largely turn into a decent human being after drying out

That’s some Olympic level mental gymnastics you just did to somehow tie this to videogames lol.

(Plemons is a casting coup in a film full of them, a perfectly milquetoast representation of the true face of white supremacy.)

It’s worth mentioning that Freddie Hampton’s assassination was basically part of a wider conspiracy orchestrated by the FBI called COINTELPRO. Which included illegal surveillance of civil rights leaders and prominent leftists, infiltrating leftist and civil rights organizations, and funding and arming a right wing

So Marilyn Manson is exactly who he always seemed to be, except it’s not the 90s anymore and creepy narcissism is no longer a profound artistic statement about Puritanism or something, it’s just creepy narcissism. Antichrist go fuck yourself.

I’m hoping the bigger narrative that takes place is the crumbling of the widely believed lie that a stock is a reflection of the performance of a company (and by extention, Wall Street is Main Street).

I’m of the “It was a dull, mostly empty but scenic region, with very little to do except track down a uninteresting villain” camp.

was a perfect platelet cleanser

Side note on Bloodborne.

Man, I wish I was born having already created a really famous internet platform and married to a tremendously wealthy tennis player (things apparently some people can do prior to their own birth). Then I’d never have had to deal with being working class the lion’s share of my life. Unlike this lucky guy.