Dante Thunderstone

Phoning it in is what you’re going for.

No, what they’re saying here is that the paid upgrade (i.e. buying the remastered version of Spider-Man 2018) is available whether you buy Spider-Man: Miles Morales on PS4 and upgrade it to PS5, or if you just straight-up buy Spider-Man: Miles Morales on PS5. Basically clarifying that people who buy Spider-Man: Miles

No, it isn’t. That statement is saying that if you buy Spider-Man: Miles Morales (on either platform, it doesn’t matter), you can later pay $20 to upgrade to the Ultimate Edition on PS5 and get the remastered version of Spider-Man (2018). The remastered version of Spider-Man (2018) is only available to people who buy

It’s saying that either way, you’ve gotta buy Miles Morales to play Spider-Man Remastered.

That’s just for the Miles Morales, not the base Spider-Man.

Divinity Original Sin 2 early access was very messy.. that’s sort of the point of a early access release, to find problems. The game turned out to be a utterly wonderful though, so I have no doubts this will be similar. Buggy, broken early access for many months and eventually a fantastic final game at the end. Larian

It would have to be a steaming pile of crap, both on a technical level and a design level, for it to be messy as far as Early Access games go.

RIP to the fabulous king

the word you’re looking for is disassembled 

it’s also important to point out that out of the top 10 best selling games on PS4 7 of them are exclusives.

This is what you keep saying, and what people keep telling you is not based on any actual data. A person might have bought a PS4 for literally a single exclusive, and that just as much qualifies as exclusives driving console sales as anything else. You have literally no other data about the overlap of ownership of

Correlation is not causation

But now you are talking about an even more niche part of the PS population. In the top 50 spots in PS4 game sales in Japan, Japanese exclusive titles occupy only 5 spots (that is as of September 2019).

You’re saying yes, and then quoting something that doesn’t say that.

I’m not taking it personally, I’m just astounded that someone could take a position so fundamentally wrong-headed and divorced from reality, and then be so proud of the misfire from their synapses that they go through multiple comment threads trumpeting it, even though their own data contradicts it.

No, it’s not.

yes, you did.

That’s not true, driving games can be very very popular in Japan

Tell that to Apple, Adidas, Assassin’s Creed, McDonald’s, Domino’s, Starbucks...