Dante Thunderstone

believe it or not, most people actually own and play more than one video game

I got one wish granted with Vanquish coming back to PS4. I got yet another with Kingdoms of Amalur and now this??? I’ve clearly used up all of my luck potions

And a boardroom full of sex predators is the other half.

Well, when you aggressively, insistently trip over your dick at every given opportunity, yes.

Yes generally.

I agree. I rolled my eyes when I heard “crusade”

As other’s have pointed out, “Jihad” and “Crusade” are used kind of interchangably in the universe given that all the religions in the Duniverse are a blend of ones we are familiar with (aside from Judaism/“Secret Israel” which is still recognizable to what we know as Judaism).

We also don’t really know in what

Besides which, if they’re planning for a worldwide release, the word “crusade” is going to upset people throughout the Islamic world just as much as “jihad” might upset Americans.  It still has bad connotations there.

When I first saw that scene I thought of Paul’s attack on Imperial forces at the end of the book but since this is supposed to be a part 1 of 2 Harkonnen attack is the right guess.

$599 standard, $499 digital.

Why is this not a chart?! 

The SNES price is wrong. It was released with two controllers and Super Mario World for $199. The article you linked was for the SNES 2, released in 1997.

I have so much salt and vinegar in me don’t worry about me not having enough to spread it around.

The fact that this is Will's first post on kotaku in over two years, and was this bad speaks volumes about the state of the GMG sites. Even the updated article goes on and on about the damn mine.

I will tell you what happened. From Bugalaga airstrip you should have plotted a 126 degrees course to the mine, east-south-east.

I think you’re missing the point Riley.

Wow, this was the worst game review I have ever read. This is the total antithesis to Heather Alexander’s review of Red Dead Redemption Two. 

I like the analysis of games as service and the spooky implications of the technology at play but... this ain't a review of the game, really. 

Dear Will, if you took a second to try and review the *game* Microsoft Flight Simulator instead of the concept of cloud and games as a service, maybe you would have done the tutorial, which would have taught you to fly VFR (which incidentally is the only form of navigation actually included in the tutorial).