When people like you don’t even read Marx or have any real uunderstanding history, politics or economics, then spout clearly wrong bullshit based on slogans.
When people like you don’t even read Marx or have any real uunderstanding history, politics or economics, then spout clearly wrong bullshit based on slogans.
Capitalism means the exploitation of the surplus value of labour of the working class to the enrichment of property holders.
Shadowheart, who might be the most guarded character, feels the most natural because of that.
It doesn’t address precisely the nature of your complaint, but I wish it had an Iron Man mode, like Wrath of the Righteous or Tyranny.
If anyone at Sony is reading this, please consider that you have (in my opinion) two equally good options: either let it be, or shut this thing down and get a real remaster going.
Any time hombre, Guidance is essential for Baldur’s Gate 3
Because real evil tends to be creeping, institutional, systemic, I can’t strap on armour and smite the world right, so going Human is my proxy wish fulfillment.
It has that level of density, like D:OS 1 and 2, but I will say you eventually develop an instinct about what will be worth the prodding and what’s going to be 2 apples, a 4th copy of a book you’ve already read, and 47 gold.
Though it was clear—well at least to Black folks—that Foxx used the word “they” to call out people who betrayed Jesus, some deemed Foxx’s post as antisemitic.
Don’t rely on quick saves in Baldur’s Gate 3 because they get overwritten — fine advice.
I see a red door and I want to paint it Cat
When Tactics first came out I was like 12 and got stuck on Gaffgarion, so it wasn’t until the War of the Lions remake that I actually got to soak up the story.
The source material is fundamentally NOT an ensemble narrative,
He wouldn’t need to change the canon because the games aren’t an adaptation of the books, they take place afterwards.
Chairman Ryan Cohen, who many still believe can deliver the Snydercut-style redemption of GameStop, has little to show for his financial takeover in the meantime except a bunch of tweets. Remind you of anyone else?
I feel you, and we are fucked up and continue to be.
The history knower has logged on.
But you didn’t.
In that case it’s also “crucial” to underline the fact of abuses carried on in the US and in the name of the US around the world.
The comparison is because if Japan hadn’t been committing war crimes and invading literally every neighboring country, the tragedy of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would not have happened.