Dante Thunderstone

So you’re asking whether a man slapping another man is equivalent to a man slapping a woman or an elderly person?

I wouldn’t want to see Will Smith get arrested, but I’d leave it up to the black man who was hit to decide if he wanted to press charges or not.

Not to be especially crass, but I believe there’s truth to the expression “talk shit, get hit

Besides the fact that motherfucker was 95 so “old” no matter how you slice it.

“The Old Pope”?

But to boil it all down, your arguments are a whataboutism that fail to actually address his point, which is that there is a middleground [...] which is NOT bad (the middleground, that is), as you seemingly try to argue it could be


I’ll also just state that I originally didn’t pick up what you were putting down, because I failed to realise that the argument you were trying to make wasn’t that SOME middlegrounds are bad, and that this one is comparable, and thus, is bad, when instead your argument was that because SOME middlegrounds are bad, this

My dawg, you still aren’t understanding to a degree that’s causing me no small frustration. This may be my own failure in communication or approach. I will try to break it down as simply as I can:

You’re comparing giving cents to a billionaire for buying a video game, who believes and says disagreeable things, to supporting slavery and murder.

I think there’s a middle ground between “militantly telling other people what to do” and “total nihilism because nothing you do matters”.

To summarize the objections:

It’ll go round and round, sometimes with a load of outright falsehoods, with which you’re supposed to get discouraged by researching all the facts to counter, or it’ll be partials and omissions.


I also use outdated data, from 2003-2016, and in a country of over 1 billion, I only look at 32,000 responses to a survey.

“I don’t need to contend with polling and statistics from Harvard, bcuz i am smrtr than harvard.


On another angle, I’ll point to the “Chinese Communist Party”, that governs China, but only seems to have the authoritarian part down, without any of the communist parts that benefit the people of the country. Another label that doesn’t fit.

They were hoping to own the means of production first

Godwin's Law into Poe's law, classic