Interesting, the engine in production as we speak and both Nissan and Toyota are testing with it. Do you know something I don't?
Interesting, the engine in production as we speak and both Nissan and Toyota are testing with it. Do you know something I don't?
What the hell is wrong with Ford?
So there is "Fired!" and there is "Fucking Fired!"
Like I said there is no one. Patrick Dempsey may get there, but he is nowhere near they're level yet. I hope he does.
Umm.. No.
He'll be missed. Makes me think about how the world is changing.
So the question is... do you?
I do actually. This was back waaaaaay before domain name squatting was a thing (15+ years). He runs a "computer store" which I don't believe actually exists. Check out the Google Maps location, interesting for a "computer store" could be his house, who knows. My favorite is the "Web Design" link. Looks legit :)
The guy is a douche and tried to blackmail Nissan Motor Co. for the domain.
Incredible. Cheers to Audi for outstanding engineering.
And wagon... Awesome.
Excellent and excellent choice of car. Fuck drunk drivers!
Tell that to the Russians.
You would really benefit from reading/learning about the different systems in each car, but only after you read up how EVs, hybrid systems, electric motors, Lithium Ion batteries and other various ESSs (Energy Storage Systems) actually work and what their benefits and drawbacks are.