
Someone named Antoinette is using a cake metaphor? This is a joke- right?

It's clearly supposed to be Strongbad.

Put shorter... yes rational arguments can change minds. ..but not on the internet.

China says thank you, but we were already using them anyway.

That's the modern patent world. A good portion of IT companies are constantly defending against someone's new patent on 'cursor moving on screen left to right at a 45 degree angle for e-commerce' filed for no real advance other than hopes of patent fees.

Tim Cook and all the patent lawyers at Apple just had a heart attack.

Also, just doing some more thinking... doesn't Elon also have a giant battery factory in the works that could benefit immensely from a ton of manufacturers needing batteries for their electric cars built using Tesla technology?

I'm betting this is "6 Dimensional Chess Elon," more than "Good Guy Elon." He needs a bigger electric car market to grow the company and the competitors aren't getting there fast enough. He's inviting them to help grow it, so Tesla has more customers to sell to.

Holy shit. This guy gets it.

Good Guy Elon should be a meme.

Confirm's what everyone already knows...Elon is Tony Stark, and is a complete badass.

Settle down, Mark. This is more reporting than CNN has done in ages.

Thank you for your tireless dedication to journalism, sir.

Watterson's genius is not in his artwork (even though it is fantastic, and Charles Schultz said he loved how "Calvin's shoes look like dinner rolls"), it's in his depth of characters and his understanding of people at a fundamental level.

All the strips involving snowmen are my favorite.

I agree. That's bad taste. But as shown by many of the comments, bad taste isn't that uncommon. No, it doesn't directly affect the victims. But the photos aesthetisize a desaster.

Maybe i'm overly sensitive because my fiance had a huge wildfire almost take her house and took a lot of the other houses surrounding hers before we met, but fuck these people. There could be people watching thier lives slowly consumed by flames out there but hey, as long as we get pretty pictures, who gives a fuck