
Yes please


Good write up.

While I'm no doctor i know what shaking the fuck out of an unconscious persons head is stupid, if they thought he was just knocked out why not use smelling salts.

That's a nice professional looking paint job.

I personally think this is a testament to Audi, they need to put that shit in the audi museum and give the guy a new car.

I ment MK2 not MK1

Here's a MK2, The shape of the passenger compartments is the same but the lines in the body panels are different as well as the front and rear end.

They are MK1 fiesta headlights, It also had Ford P100 tail lights (basically a Ford Sierra pickup)

Jeremy, James and Richard should start up a new show and call it .

The police promptly switch out the tires and drove the pathfinder to the impound.

1) The hangers rusted through on my muffler, I didn't know until it started slapping the underside of my car.

Well that came out of the wrong head

I remember this dealership well

I think it would take longer to find the parts and panels than it would take to bolt them on.

On tap with a dash of roses lime cordial its a tasty brew. I've never even seen it in a store in the states but if its anything like the Heineken sold in the states its best to avoid it, The Heineken sold over here is nasty shit.

Who writes the lines for you're dealership's radio ads on 103.7?, Also any chance of a discount for a fellow Brit in Milwaukee, cant hurt to ask right?

I think its a great looking car, now its getting the POWAH i may have to trade my wife in to get one.

A Fiat Uno just like this, it was a total junker, rusty, dirty, flimsy but perfect for me and my sister to learn how to drive in.

Tis but a flesh wound.